Pricing for Commercial FCC exams
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Paper Exams, hand processed and graded.
Any Single Element Taken |
$50 |
Any (2) Elements taken together |
$50 |
Any (3) Elements taken together |
$75 |
Online Pricing per Element exam |
$125 |
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You must provide accurate ID documents to the Examiners. Please click to see the acceptable documents for Identification.
List Of Acceptable Documents for COMMERCIAL ID
You need these Documents to take A COMMERCIAL exam, Don’t Forget!
Number of Questions on exams
Element Type |
Total |
Passing |
Ques POOL |
Element 1(MROP and GMDSS Restricted) |
24 |
18 |
144 |
Element 3(GROL and GMDSS Maintainer) |
100 |
75 |
600 |
Element 6(1st/2nd/3rd Class Radiotelegraph) |
100 |
75 |
616 |
Element 7(GMDSS Maintainer/ Operator) |
100 |
75 |
600 |
Element 7R(GMDSS Restricted) |
50 |
38 |
300 |
Element 8(Radar Endorsement) |
50 |
38 |
300 |
Element 9(GMDSS Maintainer) |
50 |
38 |
300 |

If you need more information than below, please contact us directly at 1-843-298-5556 directly, or goto Licenses at
Click on License Elements below to see descriptions
Element 1 - Marine Radio Operator Permit (MP)
Element 1
Marine Radio Operator Permit (MP)
MPs, or MROPs, are required to operate radiotelephone stations aboard certain vessels that sail the Great Lakes. They are also required to operate radiotelephone stations aboard vessels of more than 300 gross tons and vessels which carry more than six passengers for hire in the open sea or any tidewater area of the United States. They are also required to operate certain aviation radiotelephone stations and certain coast radiotelephone stations.
To qualify, you must:
- be a legal resident of (or otherwise eligible for employment in) the United States; and
- be able to receive and transmit spoken messages in English; and
- pass a written and/or telegraphy examination(s) as described below under Examinations.
Written Examination Elements
- Element 1 – Basic radio law and operating practice with which every maritime radio operator should be familiar. To pass, an examinee must correctly answer at least 18 out of 24 questions.
Term of License
An MP is issued for the holder’s lifetime. (Prior to March 25, 2008, the license term for an MP was five years. Any holder of an MP that expired prior to March 25, 2008, must still file an application to renew the permit within the five-year grace period after expiration.)
How to Obtain a License
Submit FCC Form 605 along with the appropriate Proof of Passing Certificates (for the requisite written examination element). Use the FCC Form 605 and the FCC Form 159 (fee processing form) to renew a license or to replace a lost, stolen, or mutilated license. Many Commercial Operator License Examination Managers (COLEMs) file these documents for applicants who test with them. Ask us about providing this service to you.
Elements 1 & 3 - General Radiotelephone Operator License (PG)
Elements 1 & 3
General Radiotelephone Operator License (PG)
A PG, or GROL, is required to adjust, maintain, or internally repair FCC licensed radiotelephone transmitters in the aviation, maritime, and international fixed public radio services. It conveys all of the operating authority of the MP. It is also required to operate the following:
- any compulsorily equipped ship radiotelephone station operating with more than 1500 watts of peak envelope power.
- voluntarily equipped ship and aeronautical (including aircraft) stations with more than 1000 watts of peak envelope power.
To qualify, you must:
- be a legal resident of (or otherwise eligible for employment in) the United States; and
- be able to receive and transmit spoken messages in English; and
- pass a written and/or telegraphy examination(s) as described below under Examinations.
Written Examination Elements
- Element 1 – Basic radio law and operating practice with which every maritime radio operator should be familiar. To pass, an examinee must correctly answer at least 18 out of 24 questions.
- Element 3 – General Radiotelephone. Electronic fundamentals and techniques required to adjust, repair, and maintain radio transmitters and receivers. The exam consists of questions from the following categories: operating procedures, radio wave propagation, radio practice, electrical principles, circuit components, practical circuits, signals and emissions, and antennas and feed lines. To pass, an examinee must correctly answer at least 75 out of 100 questions.
Term of License
A PG is issued for the holder’s lifetime.
How to Obtain a License
Submit FCC Form 605 along with the appropriate Proof of Passing Certificates (for the requisite written examination elements). Use the FCC Form 605 and the FCC Form 159 (fee processing form) to replace a lost, stolen, or mutilated license. Many Commercial Operator License Examination Managers (COLEMs) file these documents for applicants who test with them. Ask us about providing this service to you.
Elements 1 & 7 - Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Operator (DO)
Elements 1 & 7
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Operator (DO)
The DO, or GMDSS Operator, qualifies the holder to operate, and make some basic equipment adjustments to, Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) radio installations. It also confers the operating authority of the MP.
To qualify, you must:
- be a legal resident of (or otherwise eligible for employment in) the United States; and
- be able to receive and transmit spoken messages in English; and
- pass a written and/or telegraphy examination(s) as described below under Examinations.
Written Examination Elements
- Element 1 – Basic radio law and operating practice with which every maritime radio operator should be familiar. To pass, an examinee must correctly answer at least 18 out of 24 questions.
- Element 7 – GMDSS Radio Operating Practices. GMDSS radio operating procedures and practices sufficient to show detailed practical knowledge of the operation of all GMDSS sub-systems and equipment. The exam consists of questions from the following categories: general information, narrow band direct printing, INMARSAT, NAVTEX, digital selective calling, and survival craft. To pass, an examinee must correctly answer at least 75 out of 100 questions.
Term of License
A DO is issued for the holder’s lifetime. (Prior to March 25, 2008, the license term for a DO was five years. Any holder of a DO that expired prior to March 25, 2008, must still file an application to renew the license within the five-year grace period after expiration.)
How to Obtain a License
Submit FCC Form 605 along with the appropriate Proof of Passing Certificates (for the requisite written examination element). Use the FCC Form 605 and the FCC Form 159 (fee processing form) to renew a license or to replace a lost, stolen, or mutilated license. Many Commercial Operator License Examination Managers (COLEMs) file these documents for applicants who test with them. Ask us about providing this service to you.
Elements 1 & 7 - Global Maritime Distress and Safety System - Restricted (RG)
Elements 1 & 7
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System – Restricted (RG)
The RG, or GMDSS Restricted, qualifies the holder to operate, and make some basic equipment adjustments to, Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) radio installations, but only on voyages that remain within twenty (20) nautical miles of shore. It also confers the operating authority of the MP.
To qualify, you must:
- be a legal resident of (or otherwise eligible for employment in) the United States; and
- be able to receive and transmit spoken messages in English; and
- pass a written and/or telegraphy examination(s) as described below under Examinations.
Written Examination Elements
- Element 1 – Basic radio law and operating practice with which every maritime radio operator should be familiar. To pass, an examinee must correctly answer at least 18 out of 24 questions.
- Element 7R – GMDSS Radio Operating Practices. GMDSS Restricted radio operating procedures and practices sufficient to show detailed practical knowledge of the operation of the VHF GMDSS sub-systems and equipment. The exam consists of questions from the following categories: general information, VHF digital selective calling, and carriage requirement. To pass, an examinee must correctly answer at least 38 out of 50 questions.
Term of License
An RG is issued for the holder’s lifetime. (Prior to March 25, 2008, the license term for an RG was five years.)
How to Obtain a License
Submit FCC Form 605 along with the appropriate Proof of Passing Certificates (for the requisite written examination element). Use the FCC Form 605 and the FCC Form 159 (fee processing form) to renew a license or to replace a lost, stolen, or mutilated license. Many Commercial Operator License Examination Managers (COLEMs) file these documents for applicants who test with them. Ask us about providing this service to you.
Elements 1, 3 & 9 - Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Maintainer (DM)
Elements 1, 3 & 9
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Maintainer (DM)
The DM, or GMDSS Maintainer, qualifies personnel as GMDSS radio maintainers to perform at sea repair and maintenance of GMDSS equipment. It also confers the operating authority of the PG and MP. NOTE: In instances where an applicant qualifies for both a DO and a DM, the applicant qualifies to hold a GMDSS Radio Operator/Maintainer License (DB).
To qualify, you must:
- be a legal resident of (or otherwise eligible for employment in) the United States; and
- be able to receive and transmit spoken messages in English; and
- pass a written and/or telegraphy examination(s) as described below under Examinations.
Written Examination Elements
- Element 1 – Basic radio law and operating practice with which every maritime radio operator should be familiar. To pass, an examinee must correctly answer at least 18 out of 24 questions.
- Element 3 – General Radiotelephone. Electronic fundamentals and techniques required to adjust, repair, and maintain radio transmitters and receivers. The exam consists of questions from the following categories: operating procedures, radio wave propagation, radio practice, electrical principles, circuit components, practical circuits, signals and emissions, and antennas and feed lines. To pass, an examinee must correctly answer at least 75 out of 100 questions.
- Element 9 – GMDSS Radio Maintenance Practices and Procedures. Requirements set forth in IMO Assembly on Training for Radio Personnel (GMDSS), Annex 5 and IMO Assembly on Radio Maintenance Guidelines for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System related to Sea Areas A3 and A4. The exam consists of questions from the following categories: radio system theory, amplifiers, power sources, troubleshooting, digital theory, and GMDSS equipment and regulations. To pass, an examinee must correctly answer at least 38 out of 50 questions.
Term of License
A DM is issued for the holder’s lifetime. (Prior to March 25, 2008, the license term for a DM was five years. Any holder of a DM that expired prior to March 25, 2008, must still file an application to renew the license within the five-year grace period after expiration.)
How to Obtain a License
Submit FCC Form 605 along with the appropriate Proof of Passing Certificates (for the requisite written examination elements). Use the FCC Form 605 and the FCC Form 159 (fee processing form) to replace a lost, stolen, or mutilated license. Many Commercial Operator License Examination Managers (COLEMs) file these documents for applicants who test with them. Ask us about providing this service to you.
Element 8 - Ship Radar Endorsement
Element 8
Ship Radar Endorsement
Only persons whose commercial radio operator license bears this endorsement may repair, maintain, or internally adjust ship radar equipment.
To qualify, you must:
- hold (or qualify for) a PG, DM, DB, T, T1, or T2; and
- pass a written examination as described below
How to Obtain a License
Submit FCC Form 605 along with the appropriate Proof of Passing Certificates (for the requisite written examination elements) to apply. (You do NOT need to submit FCC Form 159 (fee processing form) or any fees.) Many Commercial Operator License Examination Managers (COLEMs) file these documents for applicants who test with them. Ask your COLEM if it provides this service to its customers.
To obtain an FCC Commercial Operator License, applicants must submit, to the Commission, proof of passing written and/or telegraphy Element 8